Shadows by Trevor Sewell feat. Janis Ian (piano) - 24/48 WAV download
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24-bit/48kHz WAV file
Check out Trevor's site and new album here.
See the video here.
Janis: I’ve been a big fan of Trevor’s work ever since hearing his Hollow album, so meeting him earlier this year was a real treat. I offered to play on his next record but wasn’t sure if he’d take me up on it – fortunately, he did, and it gave me the opportunity to be part of this wonderful song. The moment I heard a couple of lines from “Shadow”, I knew it could be great just as it was – a stark piano, an honest vocal, and the beauty would shine through.
Trevor: We’d already sung a duet together, and Janis had also played piano on another track. We were hoping she’d contribute to one more, but song after song, she shook her head, saying “I think that’s pretty complete as it is” or “I can’t think of anything to add”. I was disappointed, but we kept playing tracks until we came to “Shadow”. We almost didn’t play it for her! Geoff Wilbourn, who was producing, said it just wasn’t working for the new album (out next year). We’d tried country, rock, even reggae, but nothing sounded right.
Then Janis said “I have an idea, if you’ll trust me?” Sure, we said, and she quickly wrote out a basic chord chart. She motioned me to follow her into the little piano room, played a few lines, asked me to sing it without embellishing, then said “Why don’t we just try it like this? Simple, basic, straight from the heart.”
So I stood there at the vocal mic and sang it, while Janis played it through with me for the first time. When we finished, the control room was in tears, and Geoff said “That’s it. We’re not changing a thing – it’s perfect.”
You can view a video of this song at YouTube.
Visit Trevor's website to find out more.