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Resist lyric + chords download

Resist lyric + chords download

A digital copy of the lyrics with chords for "Resist."

To download the file simply right-click (option-click Mac) on the link below and choose "Save Target As..." or "Save Linked File To Desktop" or something similar (different browsers use different wording).

Click here to download the lyrics and chords for "Resist."

Also available:

Resist: Free MP3 download
Resist: Free lyric download
Resist: Free sheet music download

Visit the Janis Ian Viewing Room to see the performance from the Woodstock Film Festival.

To download the file simply right-click (option-click Mac) on the link below and choose "Save Target As..." or "Save Linked File To Desktop" or something similar (different browsers use different wording).

This sheet music is delivered in Adobe PDF format. You will need Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat to view it.

If you have any problems with your order please contact us at merch@janisian.com. We'll get things straightened out very quickly.

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