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The Crocodile Song - Sue Coccia coloring pages

The Crocodile Song - Sue Coccia coloring pages

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Renowned artist Sue Coccia has offered this coloring page for children stuck at home. You can see some of Sue’s brilliant coloring work on her own website: www.earthartinternational.com

And you can also order her newest book, Critters, here: https://earthartinternational.com/collections/childrens-book

As well as her coloring books: https://earthartinternational.com/collections/coloring-books

By the way, she also makes amazing jigsaw puzzles! And you can watch her drawing here:

Renowned artist Sue Coccia has offered this coloring page for children stuck at home. You can see some of Sue’s brilliant coloring work on her own website: www.earthartinternational.com

And you can also order her newest book, Every Critter Has a Tale, here: https://earthartinternational.com/collections/childrens-book

As well as her coloring books:

By the way, she also makes amazing jigsaw puzzles!

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sue_coccia/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EarthArtIntl
Purchase The Tiny Mouse hardback book.
Visit The Tiny Mouse website.

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